• +2348037091874
  • info@excellauenergy.com



We are deeply involved and determined to create a niche for the company in this highly technical and capital intensive service/operations in Nigeria and the West African Sub-Region. We have a highly qualified engineering (technical) and asset management division, constituted of well trained and experienced Engineers, Our technical and consulting partners have veritable records of performances yet to be rivaled in the Petroleum industry within a set time period. We are therefore focused on establishing Excella U Energy Limited as a very significant indigenous Oil & Gas, development, engineering, fabrication and logistics support company to the highly developing Nigerian and West African Petroleum Sector. Excella U Energy Limited, and partners are strongly determined to secure their own Gas and Oil production Block(s), Solid Mineral and Mining Sites and as well as enter into a number of exploration and extractive Partnership arrangements. Our interest in this aspect comes from the team of our highly motivated and experienced professionals and Engineers with up to date knowledge, experience and technology that provides us with the best unbiased solution, to be applied to each and every project.

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